Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rainbow Toast

I told the lil man that if he was a good boy, we could break out the paints and paint some pictures. Well, we had an awesome day so after nap, we got to work. I laid out a large plastic table cloth to protect my hardwood floor. Then we brought out his desk that converts to an easel. I set up the paper and got out all the paints and let my lil artist go to town. He made about 4 paintings himself and then asked for help making a rainbow. Together we painted a beautiful rainbow! It was really lovely. Alas, we had to stop because A.) I was out of places to put his lovely artwork to dry and B.) it was time to make dinner.

Lil man has his picky days and today just so happened to be one of those days. He didn't want what we were having for dinner so I made him his own dinner using components of ours but leaving out the things he doesn't like and adding some things he does. He wanted toast. I had a brilliant idea (thanks to an idea I had seen on pinterest a while back). How about rainbow toast? Perfect!

All I needed was a little milk, some food coloring and of course a slice of bread. I put just a small amount of milk in 6 different small containers. Then I got out the food coloring: red, yellow, green, and blue. I put 2 drops of red in the first container, 1 red and 1 yellow in the next, followed by 2 yellow, then 2 green, then 2 blue, and finally 1 red and 1 blue. The result, rainbow paint!
Now it was time to paint the bread.
All that was left was to pop it in the toaster on the lightest setting. This was our final result:
And there you have it, rainbow toast. It was so good, he asked for another one. It was so easy to do and gave the lil man so much enjoyment. It's too bad I'm not a better artist. Rainbows are about as good as it gets. Maybe I'll branch out and see what else I can try. It may or may not look like it is supposed to but I'm sure the lil guy will enjoy it all the same. Give it a try and tell me what you came up with. I'd love to see what others can do! Have fun!

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